Criminal infringement, secretly intrepid
Set on a monument for deviating moments
Sly in conversation, slipped in animation
Tripping over words that run through paths we haven't taken
Figurative in nature; naturally tantalizing
Something you can't reach for, but always find in striving
Enrichment or detriment? Or have you become complacent?
In a word, rigid. For you to gamble your own placement
Explicitly stimulating; caught in a simulation
Sex is a mess of sense without satiation
Recommended settings; sarcastic for defense
And don't forget to be a monument to the regretful second guess
Description unavailable; character limit exceeded
This character's unplayable, more resources are needed
Freezing in a storm called anxiety
What drives me is optimistic naivete
Why I stumble through brevity
For half formed thoughts in the calling of poetry
Sit still, if you listen you will feel
It pulsating through your entire being
Allow me to be what you need
I'm here whenever you want me