Thursday, March 10, 2016

Represented [kind of long, probably needs editing]

This system works in ways unknown
For the life of me I just don't get it
I don't ascribe to ways of old
I am not represented

Take a look at the making of laws
Do you know if you have a say?
Do you know where your money goes?
Do you know who you pay?

White skin, white hair
Clothing black and white and gray
I'm surrounded by colorful things
But do our colors have a say?

They tell me, pay attention now
This world you will inheret
But I don't really want that world
To me it holds no merit

They tell me, money matters, man
But I can't really feel it
When advertisements fill your brain
That money gets depleted

If you believe in making war
To fight for greater good
You've gotten lost in their sick game
And signed with others' blood

War and riots, rivalries
No peace here is intended
People fighting in the streets
They're fighting for their credit
For they are not represented

Deflect the problems, turn away
Excuses and distractions
Let's talk about this honestly
And own up to our actions

Media grabs your attention
Enough hate to cause a spark
Then they sell you seeds of hope
Cuz only money warms their hearts

They tell me, "yes sir, no sir"
Keep your head down, don't get noticed
Does a useless title make you better?
Are you happy to be pompous?

No happiness in hopelessness
But somehow I remember
Being happy with myself
Or the self that I had rendered

We let the problems go unchecked
The blame lies in our hands
They say we are united
But divided try to stand

I know I'm an idealist
And all I want is peace
But I don't feel represented
By the people who can speak

What's the point of speaking out?
If truth is not reflected
I have my own thoughts on it
But I am not represented.