Thursday, March 10, 2016


I say in rhyme
For this to bind
To sort these thoughts and still my mind
Myself to hold regarded
In song and spirit, given time
For earth and sky, given space
ín'corr e se'et, truth from lies
In the open and unguarded 

To give me hope
To somehow show
To light the way that I may find
To speak with God
However odd
In Lord and Lady I reside

Leaf of tree, blade of grass
Cut me to the quick, I ask
Sew my spirit in your form
In your image, free from harm

Candle bright, burn me up
Black and white, the truth to touch
Purple, for my lady's eyes
Power she holds to open mine
Blue and green for sky and earth
Pink and yellow, life, rebirth
Orange now to balance me
Sacred touch, sensuality
8 to find the beat of my dance
For ebb and flow, still never to stand